Heather R. Murphy, Governor's appointee; Alan J. McCarthy, County Executive, Cecil County; Robert J. Alt, Cecil County municipal representative.
Connie C. Holland, Governor's appointee; Jennifer L. Cohan, designee of Delaware Secretary of Transportation; John T. Sisson, Chief Executive Officer, Delaware Transit Corp.; Matthew Meyer, County Executive, New Castle County; Michael S. Purzycki, Mayor of Wilmington; Michael Spencer, Newcastle County municipal representative.
Tigist Zegeye, Executive Director
850 Library Ave., Suite 100, Newark, DE 19711
(302) 737-6205, ext. 114; 1-888-808-7088 (toll free from Cecil County); fax: (302) 737-9584
The Wilmington Area Planning Council is the designated metropolitan planning organization for the region that includes Cecil County, Maryland, and New Castle County, Delaware.
A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is a federally mandated and federally funded transportation policy-making organization that is made up of representatives from local government and governmental transportation authorities. Federal law requires the formation of such an organization for any urbanized area with a population of more than 50,000. Federal funding for transportation projects and programs is channeled through this planning process. Congress created these organizations in order to ensure that expenditures of governmental funds for transportation are based on a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive planning process. For each of their respective regions, MPOs are charged with developing a 20-year Long-Range Transportation Plan and a short-term (usually 2 to 6 years) program called the Transportation Improvement Program.
In 1969, the Council originated as a regional planning agency. Since 1993, it coordinates only transportation plans of local county and municipal governments within the region.
The Council is assisted by the Planning-at-the-Edge Advisory Committee, the Public Advisory Committee, the Technical Advisory Committee, and three subcommittees: Air Quality, Congestion Management System, and Demographics and Data. Also, helping the Council are two working groups: Freight and Goods Movement, and Nonmotorized Transportation.
Catherine C. Smith, Chair
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